I'm Jenna, a fine artist and creative illustrator born in Tomsk, Russia based in Richmond. Working to explore new artistic skills and experiment with all kinds of media to create artwork based on the world around me.

I’ve been drawing ever since I was little, and I started taking art classes 5+ years ago. I have worked using various media, but my focus is photorealism using alcohol markers and colored pencils.


Fine Artist & Illustrator

animals & nature
figure & model                       Misc art & photography

Many of my ideas for pieces come from the world around me and my current interests at the time. I have always loved drawing people and animals, as seen in much of my artwork. I love exploring languages, culture, and music and how I can create uplifting and expressive imagery based on those themes and more.

Commission Inquiries:


@jennamarkeyart on Instagram


Drawing pictured to the left, 2019, macro shot of a colored pencil tip.